In the light of today's scientific developments, with the help of detailed physical examination, opportunities provided by modern medicine and new generation examinations, many diseases can be detected at the earliest stage and treated before they progress. Laboratory (blood, urine, stool, etc.), radiological examinations (x-ray, ultrasonography, mammography, computed tomography, MRI, bone density, etc.), endoscopic examinations when necessary (upper gastrointestinal system endoscopy, colonoscopy, etc.) and ECG, By using all necessary tests such as echocardiography, the diagnosis of diseases can be made in the early period. Internal diseases department, which is one of the most frequently applied clinics of hospitals, has great importance as it is the clinic that many patients apply with the initial symptoms of the disease. In the internal medicine clinic, also known as internal medicine, the patients are treated meticulously by paying attention to every detail, and possible diseases can be detected and treated by directing them to this department or the relevant medical unit before they reach more serious dimensions.

In the Medical Palace Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine) clinic, it provides 24-hour uninterrupted service to all patient groups over the age of 15 with patient evaluation, examination, treatment and follow-up. With the diagnostic tests applied using state-of-the-art equipment, even diseases that have not yet shown any symptoms are detected and treatment is started immediately. At the same time, patients who do not have any complaints and who are in the risk group due to age, gender, previous diseases and genetic factors are undergoing routine controls and detailed examinations.

Upper and lower respiratory tract diseases

Respiratory tract infections are infectious diseases that are frequently seen especially in autumn and winter and are divided into upper and lower respiratory tract infections. Infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract are often called the common cold and affect the nose and throat areas. Lower respiratory tract infections are more serious; affects the bronchi, bronchioles and lungs, it can also occur with untreated upper respiratory tract infections. In these diseases, which fall under the specialty of general internal medicine clinics, consultations can also be made to pulmonary diseases and otolaryngology clinics in some cases.

infectious diseases

Apart from respiratory tract infections, many infectious diseases such as urinary tract infections, skin infections, liver inflammation (hepatitis), diarrhea, inflammatory diseases of bones and joints, parasitic diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, influenza and brucellosis are also included in the field of expertise of internal medicine clinics. Patients who apply to the clinic with complaints related to these diseases are treated for the causative agent if they are diagnosed with any infectious disease. Providing an isolated environment in patients requiring inpatient treatment is necessary to prevent contamination.


The pressure exerted by the blood pumped from the heart and distributed to the tissues and organs of the body in the vessels is called blood pressure. In adults, systolic blood pressure should be below 120 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure should be below 80 mmHg. If blood pressure is above these values, it indicates a disease called hypertension. Since hypertension can lead to many problems such as damage to the vessels and bleeding, it can bring many serious problems such as cerebral hemorrhage and kidney damage. It is aimed to keep blood pressure under control with medical nutrition therapy and drug use in hypertension patients who are followed up and treated in internal medicine clinics.


Diabetes disease, which has two common types, Type 1 and Type 2, develops when the blood glucose level rises above normal due to insufficient secretion of the insulin hormone or its inability to be used by the tissues. In its treatment, drug applications such as insulin administration and oral antidiabetic agents are used. Treatment and follow-up of non-insulin dependent diabetes patients are carried out in general internal medicine clinics. In the treatment, it is aimed to prevent the negative effects of high blood sugar on the eyes, kidneys, heart and veins by ensuring that the blood sugar level is kept within the normal range with diet and drug use.

Thyroid diseases

Thyroid hormones secreted from the thyroid gland in the neck region have many important functions, especially the regulation of the body's metabolic rate. Important problems in hormonal balance may occur due to insufficient functioning of the thyroid gland, overwork, cancers in the thyroid gland and autoimmune diseases. For this reason, thyroid diseases, whose diagnosis and treatment are followed by endocrinology and internal medicine clinics, must be treated.

cholesterol and triglycerides